Seminci remembers Charles Chaplin with ‘Modern Times’ and the music of the OSCyL

Seminci remembers Charles Chaplin with ‘Modern Times’ and the music of the OSCyL

Seminci remembers Charles Chaplin with ‘Modern Times’ and the music of the OSCyL

25/10/2019.- The 64th Valladolid International Film Festival, Seminci, celebrated today the 130th anniversary of Charlie Chaplin’ birth with the screening of Modern Times (a film he directed and starred in 1936) at the Miguel Delibes Cultural Centre. The screening featured live music performed by the Castile and León Symphony Orchestra, OSCyL. This is the eighth year that the festival collaborates with the Castile and León orchestra fusing film and music.

It was Chaplin himself that composed the soundtrack of one of his most iconic films, but he also included songs such as Halleluiah I’m a Burn by John J. Husband and Harry McClintock; How Dry Am I, by Irving Berlin, or In the Evening by the Moonlight, by James Bland, which were performed today under Valencian conductor Rubén Gimeno’s baton. Chaplin’s score was restored in 2002 by Timothy Brock.