Miguel Eek presents ‘Próximamente últimos días’, a story about the cooperative project CineCiutat

Miguel Eek presents ‘Próximamente últimos días’, a story about the cooperative project CineCiutat

Miguel Eek presents ‘Próximamente últimos días’, a story about the cooperative project CineCiutat
Miguel Eek, director of ‘Próximamente últimos días’
  • CineCiutat is a cooperative film theatre, pioneering in Spain, which screens auteur cinema in its original version thanks to its 1,200 members. That is the story that ‘Próximamente últimos días’ tells after more than two years of filming

28/10/2020.- The documentary Próximamente últimos días competes in the DOC. Spain section and its backdrop is the spectator crisis and the ageing of cinema. “CineCiutat is the theatre where I was trained as a filmmaker, I have grown up inside it since I was 12 years old, I have watched films there”, said Miguel Eek, director of the documentary.

The filming of the feature film was interrupted by home confinement but “we’d been looking for an ending to the documentary for a long time, and the pandemic gave us the possibility of creating a crowdfunding to raise more than 200,000 euros to renovate the cinema, so with that initiative and the arrival of coronavirus, we closed the documentary,” recalled Miguel Eek.

This ship is sinking and people are looking the other way” is one of the sentences that define the message that Próximamente últimos días wants to convey. “In our country there’s a lot of work to be done to get people to really value films and cinema“, said the director during the presentation of the documentary to the Seminci audience.

Due to the financial crisis of 2011, CineCiutat went out out of business, until a group formed by Javi, Miguel, Vero, Marta, Miguel Ángel and others decided to give the cinema a second life. “It is an associative cinema in which every year we fight to survive in the face of different technical difficulties. It’s a bet on auteur cinema, and that is always to be valued”, adds the director minutes before the projection of the film begins in the Broadway cinemas of Valladolid.

Miguel Eek, director of Próximamente Últimos Días, with Carlos Novoa (sound), Marta Castells and Virginia Galán (producers)