Díaz Lorenzo presents ‘The Wish List’, a “very optimistic” story of two women with cancer.

Díaz Lorenzo presents ‘The Wish List’, a “very optimistic” story of two women with cancer.

Díaz Lorenzo presents ‘The Wish List’, a “very optimistic” story of two women with cancer.
Director Álvaro Díaz Lorenzo, with actor Salva Reina

30/30/2020.-  Directed by Álvaro Díaz Lorenzo, La lista de los deseos (The Wish List’) tells the story of two women with breast cancer who, together with another friend, prepare to go on the journey of their dreams so as to fulfill their particular list of things undone. “A very optimistic womens’ story” that speaks “of the will to live,”, as explained by its director before the movie’s screening in the Spanish Cinema section of the 65th Seminci.

, one of the protagonists of the story, accompanied the director at the film’s presentation and dedicated a few words to the filmmaker: “He is one of the directors to keep in mind  at the national and international level”. The actor also thanked the Festival  for “supporting culture” and added that “it was a great pleasure” to work on this movie”.

Antonio Pérez, the producer of the film, shared with the audience the true story of the movie’s release in Spain, which took place on 3 June. Despite an unprecedented  promotion in recent times, “we got a good slap in the face”, he said. Even so, he remains expectant of the project’s overseas trajectory,  given that “the movie’s script rights  have been sold to the United States, India and China among other countries”. Pérez is a member of the 65th edition’s International Jury.

Álvaro Díaz Lorenzo