This documentary unveils the story of Vicente Miguel Carceller, an editor committed to freedom whose weekly ‘La Traca’ connected with the common people and challenged the established power from 1909 to 1939, reaching a circulation of half a million copies every week. A festive hedonist and a born transgressor, his articles and caustic vignettes against the church, the king and the fascist generals like Franco and Queipo de Llano, turned his success into a terrible fate. In 1940, Carceller and Carlos Gómez Carrera (aka Bluff), editor and cartoonist of the weekly, were doubly silenced, first by a firing squad and later by Franco’s censorship.
He was born in Valencia in 1963. A special TV correspondent (C9) in conflict zones such as Yugoslavia, the Gulf War, Albania, Somalia, Afghanistan and the Sahara, he was screenwriter and director of the films ‘Los ojos de Ariana’’, which tells the story of nine Afghan Films workers who saved thousands of films from the Taliban burning; ‘Ivi Marae, Tierra sin mal’, on Chagas disease; ‘Carceller’; ‘Cave to Cave’ and ‘La poesía anda por las calles’, all of them projects of the EU Culture program; or ‘Microasesinos’, six documentaries for the History channel that address infectious diseases in the world.