Ale (17) loses his job at a supermarket and decides to help Rengo (18), a carrero from the neighbourhood, by going with him to pick waste in the city. Even though his mother and his friend Gonza warn him against that unsafe path, Ale enjoys his new occupation and his growing friendship with Rengo.
Fiona Lena Brown was born in 1994 in Tucumán, Argentina. At age 12, she got her first DSRL camera and taught herself photography. In 2020, she graduated as a graphic designer from University of Buenos Aires. In recent years, she has specialized in 2D and 3D animation, directing several projects for documentaries, such as ‘El corazón del bañado’ (2021), and music videos such as ‘Alpapuyo’, winner of the best animation award at the Bamfest 2021 festival. Germán Basso was born in La Plata, Bs. As., in 1984. In 2010, he graduated as a historian, but he shifted into audiovisual production shortly after. Having worked for several years as a producer for the media network Artear, in 2015, he completed his Master’s Degree in Documentary Film (FUC), and in 2017, he finished his first short film ‘Cosas viejas’. He has worked as an editor for several projects, including the short film ‘Ventanas’ (2021).