2022 – 67th Edition

Pablo De Vita

International Jury

Pablo De Vita

Image and Sound Designer (UBA), he took a postgraduate course in Cultural Management, Heritage and Sustainable Tourism (Instituto Ortega y Gasset, Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and was a scholarship holder in Slavic Studies at the Charles University (Prague), as well as an intern in residence at the national daily ‘La Repubblica’ (Rome) thanks to a scholarship funded by the Italian Government. A film critic for the newspaper ‘La Nación’ in Buenos Aires, he is also a member of the editorial board of the cultural magazine ‘Criterio’ and has collaborated with various European media in Spain and the Czech Republic.

He has served as juror at festivals such as Georgia, San Sebastian, Punta del Este, Bafici, Piriápolis and Gijón. He is co-author of books like ‘Ciudades europeas en el cine’, ‘La imagen de los docentes en el cine’, ‘Plano secuencia’, ‘Leopoldo Torre Nilsson’ or ‘Nuestros actores’, and the solo author of ‘Diálogos con el cine polaco’.

He received the honorary distinction of the Asunción International Film Festival (Paraguay), the Milodón Award of the bi-national film festival of Puerto Natales (Chile) and the Golden Jaim Award of the Punta del Este Jewish Film Festival (Uruguay), and was also awarded by the Jorge Luis Borges International Foundation. He received the Best Cultural Journalist Award from the Italian Embassy and the same award from the Serbian Embassy, as well as the Jan Masaryk medal from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

He is a member of the Sociedad Española de Estudios de la Comunicación Iberoamericana and the Asociación Española de la Prensa Cinematográfica, as well as of the board of directors of the Centro PEN de Argentina (formerly Pen Club). He has been involved with the Buenos Aires Film Museum for 25 years and is a researcher at the Raúl H. Castagnino Institute of the University of Buenos Aires.

Pablo De Vita

All members of the

2022 – 67th Edition
2022 – 67th Edition
International Jury

Kate O’Toole

Chairs the jury
2022 – 67th Edition
International Jury

Jorge Arriagada

2022 – 67th Edition
International Jury

Pablo De Vita

2022 – 67th Edition
International Jury

Patricia Ferreira

2022 – 67th Edition
International Jury

Martín Hernández

2022 – 67th Edition
International Jury

Gracia Querejeta

2022 – 67th Edition
International Jury

Marie-Pierre Richard