Professional Meetings: Women Filmmakers Forum and Distribution Meeting

Professional Meetings: Women Filmmakers Forum and Distribution Meeting

Professional Meetings: Women Filmmakers Forum and Distribution Meeting

The 67th edition will host the sixth Women Filmmakers Forum, which will take place on October 22 and 23. Thus, the meeting organized by the Seminci and the magazine Caimán Cuadernos de Cine once again fulfills its annual appointment; on this occasion to address the theme “Women in Film Criticism”. Two working sessions based on a previous report prepared by Concha Gómez for Caimán Cuadernos de Cine on the role played by women in the world of criticism will lead to the elaboration of a document with conclusions that will be presented to the public on the second day.

“Find distribution at Seminci” will keep open a space that offers professionals the possibility of seeing titles programmed at the Festival, but which do not yet have a distributor in Spain. This activity is completed with the “Distribution of Spanish Cinema” conference. The sixth edition of this professional meeting will be held from October 26 to 28.