López-Linares: “The death of Jean-Claude Carrière meant a rethinking” of the documentary Goya, the Eye that Listens

López-Linares: “The death of Jean-Claude Carrière meant a rethinking” of the documentary Goya, the Eye that Listens

López-Linares: “The death of Jean-Claude Carrière meant a rethinking” of the documentary Goya, the Eye that Listens

Goya, the listening eye was one of the special screenings of this 67th edition of the SEMINCI. In it, the director José Luis López-Linares, shows a closer look at one of the most important artists and social commentators of Spain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Francisco de Goya.

In the presentation carried out by the director José López-Linares and the producer Antonio Saura, the figure and importance of Jean-Claude Carrière was recalled, who together with Goya is one of the most important figures in the documentary.

“With covid, Jean-Claude died and we had to reconsider everything and it meant a rethinking of the documentary. Every time I see the documentary I feel sorry for it and I recognise Jean-Claude Carrière in it”, explained Antonio Saura before the screening. López Linares went into the idea that “Carrière had a curiosity comparable to that of Goya”.

Lopez Linares, like Saura, thanked the whole team, which was almost complete in the auditorium except for the absence of Cristina Otero Roth. “This documentary is a marvellous journey and it began with a reunion”, remarked Antonio Saura.