Seminci Series presents The Chosen, a series about the life of Jesus Christ through the eyes of his chosen ones.

Seminci Series presents The Chosen, a series about the life of Jesus Christ through the eyes of his chosen ones.

Seminci Series presents The Chosen, a series about the life of Jesus Christ through the eyes of his chosen ones.

The 67th edition of the International Film Week opened the Seminci Series section on Monday 24 October with the screening of four episodes of The Chosen, to a packed house at the Teatro Zorrilla. The world-renowned series has more than 420 million views from almost 150 countries and its main theme is to tell the life of Jesus of Nazareth in a more intimate and close way, through his contemporaries.

Inspired by the Gospels, Dallas Jenkins, director of the series, proposes a different approach and script to what is commonly seen about the life of this biblical character. And this detail means that “the script is very different and I’m committed to this project”, explained Elizabeth Tabish, who plays Mary Magdalene in the series, at the presentation.

Noah James and Amber Shana Williams, also part of the cast, participated in the colloquium prior to the screening. Laughing and joking, they expressed which episodes were the most difficult to shoot, acknowledging that beyond the physical pain that a 15-hour sequence filmed in the cold ocean can cause, there are episodes that have a lot of sentimental pain and spiritual weight.

“No one expected the show to be so popular, and that’s possible because everyone can connect with it,” said Amber Shana Williams. The actors wanted to show their appreciation for the positive reception and reception from the public, expressing the hard work and effort that goes into filming each season.