Tribute to Cernuda, the inhabitant of oblivion by Adolfo Dufour Andía

Tribute to Cernuda, the inhabitant of oblivion by Adolfo Dufour Andía

Tribute to Cernuda, the inhabitant of oblivion by Adolfo Dufour Andía

Luis Cernuda, el habitante del olvido, was one of the special screenings of this 67th edition of the Seminci. The screening took place on Tuesday 25 October at the Broadway Cinemas in the presence of Adolfo Dufour Andía (director) and cinematographers Mariano Izquierdo and Pablo Mínguez. “The title is because Alberti defines Cernuda in this way. He had an inner asylum and he went deeper and deeper inside. He only transpired through his poetry,” explained the director.

“There are no more direct messages than Luis Cernuda’s own words”, added Adolfo Dufour in the colloquium following the completion of the film, adding that the poetry and texts that are read during the feature film are all Luis Cernuda‘s originals.

“The aim was not to do an expert thing but to awaken the interest of the audience to read,” confessed Dufour at the end of the screening, “I wanted to awaken sensations so that people would have the need to see it”.

Finally, the director thanked the cultural foundations for all the material they offered him for the filming of the movie.