2023 - 68th Edition

Ruth de Frutos

Green Spike Jury

Ruth de Frutos

Journalist and researcher whose área of specialisa- tion is human rights and feminism. She works as a lecturer in Journalism at the University of Malaga (UMA) and collaborates with different media such as La Marea, Píkara Magazine, El Salto or La Pode- río, of which she is co-founder together with seven other colleagues. She has won the 2022 Ateneo de Málaga-UMA Journalism Award and the 2018 Al- berto Almansa Citizen Journalism Award, as well as being a finalist in the 9th Colombine International Journalism Awards for 2020. She has combined her career as a journalist with her academic trajectory. With a PhD in Journalism from the UMA (2014), she earned a Master’s degree in Journalism and New Scenarios and another in International Cooperation and Development Policies.

Ruth de Frutos

All members of the

2023 - 68th Edition
2023 - 68th Edition
Green Spike Jury

Ruth de Frutos

2023 - 68th Edition
Green Spike Jury

Catalina Jiménez

2023 - 68th Edition
Green Spike Jury

Luis Rico García-Amado