Meritxell Colell Aparicio, Mike Goodridge, Pan Nalin, Jara Yáñez and Iván Granovsky make up the International Jury at the 68th Seminci

Meritxell Colell Aparicio, Mike Goodridge, Pan Nalin, Jara Yáñez and Iván Granovsky make up the International Jury at the 68th Seminci

Presentación de los Jurados de la 68 Seminci
Meritxell Colell Aparicio, Mike Goodridge, Pan Nalin, Jara Yáñez and Iván Granovsky make up the International Jury at the 68th Seminci

The Spanish director, the British producer, the Indian director, the Spanish critic and director of the magazine Caimán Cuadernos de Cine, and the Argentine director and producer will decide the fate of the 17 films in competition in the Official Selection

An International Jury made up of personalities from the world film world will decide the winners of an Official Selection with 17 films in competition. The final decision will be in the hands of Spanish director Meritxell Colell Aparicio, author of Con el viento (Silver Biznaga Zonazine at the Malaga Festival), Transoceánicas, Dúo or La ciutat a la vora; the renowned British producer Mike Goodridge, who is behind titles such as The Triangle of Sadness, by Ruben Ostlund (winner of the Palme d’Or), American Honey, by Andrea Arnold (Grand Jury Prize at Cannes) or Quo Vadis, Aida? by Jasmila Žbanić (Best Film at the European Film Awards and Oscar nominee); Indian director Pan Nalin, winner of the Golden Spike at the 66th Seminci with The Last Film Show; the director of the magazine Caimán Cuadernos de Cine and Spanish critic Jara Yáñez, professor of the Master’s Degree in Film Criticism organized by the publication and the ECAM and member of the selection and programming committee of different festivals; and the director, producer and teacher Iván Granovsky, behind the production of films by Matías Piñeiro or Mauro Andrizzi (Accidentes gloriosos, Orizzonti Award at Venice) and author of Los territorios.

Meeting Point

Those in charge of making the decision on the fifteen feature films that nourish Meeting Point will be the curator of events related to auteur and independent cinema Helen de Witt; the member of the musical band Vetusta Morla Pucho, graduated in Visual Arts and scout for the production and distribution company Elástica Films, and the programmer at Indielisboa and director of Portugal Film, the agency that promotes Portuguese cinema internationally, Ana Isabel Strindberg.

Presentación de los Jurados de la 68 Seminci

Time of History

The evaluation of Time of History and its twelve non-fiction stories will be in the hands of the co-founder of Andergraun Films -producer of Albert Serra’s filmography-, Montse Triola; the artist, researcher and filmmaker Gala Hernández López, winner of the award for best documentary short at the last Seminci with La Mécanique des fluides;  and the founder of Curtas Metragens de Vila do Conde and Porto/Post/Doc Film and Media Festival, of which he was also, respectively, co-director and artistic director, Dario Oliveira.


The new competitive section Alchemies will be judged by the CICAE Jury, composed of Chilean actor, screenwriter, director and programmer Martín Castillo; the director of the Ligue de l’Enseignement, a cultural cluster that manages the Génériques network of independent cinemas, Céline Pain; and the member of the international federation of independent cinemas, author, director and producer Pedro Barbadillo.

StyleFeelFree (SFF magazine) creator Rosana G. Alonso; FilmBuff international magazine editor Rita Dutta; and film programmer and events coordinator Nino Kovačić make up the Fipresci International Critics Jury.

Fundos Award

The award reserved for the work that best reflects social transformation and innovation, the Fundos Award, will be decided by a jury made up of director and producer Néstor López, the trustee of the Fundación Obra Social de Castilla y León (Fundos) Leandro J. Martín, actress Marta Ruiz de Viñaspre and the vice-rector of Communication, Culture and Sports of the University of Valladolid, Carmen Vaquero. The director and producer of documentaries and short films Juan Carrascal-Ynigo, the playwright, actress and director of short films Nüll García, and the filmmaker, photographer and video artist Víctor Hugo Martín Caballero will decide the best of the five works in competition in ‘Short films from Castile & Leon’.

Green and Rainbow Spikes

The Green Spike, which will endorse a film that addresses issues related to the defense of the environment, will be decided by Ruth de Frutos, professor of Journalism at the University of Malaga, Greenpeace collaborator and producer Catalina Jiménez and Ecologistas en Acción member Luis Rico García-Amado. The Rainbow Spike, reserved for titles that deal with LGBTI issues, will be decided by the director of the Arellano Alonso Museum of African Art of the UVa and member of Women in the Visual Arts (MAV), Olivia Cachafeiro; the actor and member of the CINHOMO programming team Alejandro Cano, and David Lagunilla, also involved in the same festival.