Cuba Crea’s director Eduardo Margareto: «Presenting your film at your city’s festival is a source of pride»

Cuba Crea’s director Eduardo Margareto: «Presenting your film at your city’s festival is a source of pride»

Cuba Crea’s director Eduardo Margareto: «Presenting your film at your city’s festival is a source of pride»
Cuba Crea’s director Eduardo Margareto

10/21/2019.- The first-time screening of Eduardo Margareto’s documentary feature Cuba Crea took place today in the 64th Valladolid Festival’s DOC.España section. The film is a tribute to Cuban culture and faithfully reflects the country’s traditions, dance and music, as well as the day-to-day life of its local artists. «I had always wanted to do something that recognized how a small country like Cubacan produce such a huge cultural achievement», said the director.

The film aims is a documentary journey through the most remote corners of Havana and Santiago de Cuba. Wrapped up in Latin rhythms, Cuba Crea floods the screen with local scenes and gives voice to more than 15 native artists who recount their experiences in the country, among them female singer-songwriter Dayme Arocena or musician Alain Perez, who describes the Cubans as «people who get up every day in order to fight on».

The film’s director, Eduardo Margareto, who shares his passion for film with his love of photography, pointed out that «Havana is a very cinematic place». In 1993 he made his first trip to the country and from that moment on he developed a taste for everything Iberoamerican. Indeed he has since then continued his film work while touring countries like Mexico or Argentina in order to both teach and learn. Margareto moreover claims that his film was «a craftman’s job done with a lot of love». Additionally he referred to the fact that some of the images were filmed on a mobile phone and talked about the difficulty involved in the editing work. «We had six hours of recorded material and had to return to Cuba to film additional resources», concluded Eduardo Margareto.