Javier Corcuera: “I managed to shoot the film with my father a couple months before he passed away”

Javier Corcuera: “I managed to shoot the film with my father a couple months before he passed away”

Javier Corcuera: “I managed to shoot the film with my father a couple months before he passed away”
Javier Courera, director of “El viaje de Javier Heraud”

22/10/2019.- The section History Time premiered this Tuesday 22 October the feature film El viaje de Javier Heraud, with the presence of the director, Javier Corcuera, and the producers, Hugo Carmona Chacón, Sergio García Locatelli and Gael Herrera.  The documentary is structured from the face and voice of Ariarca Otero, grand-nice of Javier Heraud. She is the protagonist of an investigation both into time and space: it’s the search of the memory of Heraud, through the people who met him and also a path along the places where he lived.

Before starting the film, the director has said that for him it is a very special work since “it is a very personal film in which my father is a protagonist for a while; I managed to film with him a couple months before he passed away” and, he also has dedicated the screening to his mother “who has come from Peru and is here in the room.”

In the conversations after the screening at Cines Broadway in Valladolid, Javier Corcuera has mentioned that “I was very interested in telling the story from someone who was the age of Javier Heraud when he was killed.” That is why I chose his great nice, Ariarca Otero. Although they met several years before, when they started filming she was 20 years old. Also, as an anecdote, he has added that “we finished the filming right on Ariarca’s birthday, when she was turning 21, in front of the river where they killed Javier, at the same age.”

Moreover, all the producers said that when Javier Corcuera told them his idea in 2013, none of them drew back: “we could not waste the opportunity of making this film since there are things which deserve being told.” Sergio García has pointed out that “it was important to participate in a document which is going to endure in history.”

Finally, the Peruvian director has highlighted that none of the people who have appeared in the film have studied a script, “they are all small fragments of many hours of conversations” and when they were interested in something they would ask them to repeat some of the dialogues.