Renowned authors come together in Spanish Cinema with a new generation of filmmakers

Renowned authors come together in Spanish Cinema with a new generation of filmmakers

Renowned authors come together in Spanish Cinema with a new generation of filmmakers
La hija de un ladrón, by Belén Funes

64 Seminci programs for a sixth consecutive year the section dedicated to ESCAC, which includes five short-films directed by alumni from the Catalonia Film School

02/10/2019.- The section Spanish Cinema, which on each edition brings together the Spanish production films released in the last twelve months, will program on this 64th edition of the Valladolid International Film Week a total of 20 film titles -16 feature films and four short films- which include titles directed by established and new authors. Among the first, we can highlight Jonás Trueba, Juan José Campanella and Daniel de la Orden, while, among the debut directors, the debut films of Belén Funes, Lucía Alemany, Marta Lallana e Ivet Castelo, Salvador Simó, Armand Rovira and Esteve Soler, Gerard Quinto and David Torras.

Spanish Cinema is a non-competitive section aimed at showing an overview of the most significant auteur films produced by the Spanish cinema in the last season and they will be screened with subtitles in English. This section is aimed at journalists and foreign film professionals accredited in our Festival and allows the public at Seminci to discover some of the most recognised film titles in Spanish national cinematography.

The section dedicated exclusively to Spanish cinema will program the debut films by Belén Funes (La hija del ladrón), Lucía Alemany (La inocencia), Marta Lallana e Ivet Castelo (Ojos negros), Salvador Simó (Buñuel en el laberinto de las tortugas), Armand Rovira (Letters to Paul Morrisey), Esteve Soler, Gerard Quinto and David Torras (7 razones para huir), as well as the second films by Neus Ballús (El viaje de Marta (Staff Only)) and Luis Miñarro (Love Me Not).

El cuento de las comadrejas, by Campanella

Regarding the established authors, the section will be screening the latest films by Jonás Trueba (La virgen de agosto), Daniel de la Orden (Litus), Carlos Marques-Marcet (Els diez que vindrán), Oliver Laxe (O que arde), Juan José Campanella (El cuento de las comadrejas), Mikel Rueda (El doble más quince) and Tudor Giurgiu (Parking), as well as the documentary La ciudad de los muertos, by Miguel Eek. The Spanish Cinema section is completed with four short films: Suc de sindria, by Irene Moray; 16 de Decembro, by Álvaro Gago; Después también, by Carla Simón, and Leyenda dorada, by Chema G. Ibarra and Ion de Sosa.

Some of these film titles have already been awarded prices in other Spanish and international film festivals. La hija del ladrón won the best actress price for Greta Fernández at the San Sebastian Festival. O que arde received the Grand Jury Price Un Certain Regard at Cannes film festival and the Best Sound Creation Price. Els dies que vindran won the Golden Biznaga award and the best director award at the Malaga Festival, which also gave Quim Gutiérrez the best supporting actor award for Litus. The Malaga festival also awarded the film Ojos negros with the Silver Biznaga to the best Spanish film in the section ZonaZine.


64 Seminci programs for a sixth consecutive year a space dedicated to ESCAC. The Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya will be present with five short-films. Seminci has a long tradition of supporting film education, both nationally and internationally. From its 52nd edition, in 2007, ESCAC has been included in the series dedicated to film schools. The film titles selected for this edition are Los Apaches, by Asier Ramos; Calvario, by Lluís Margarit; Grietas, by Alberto Gross; Judoka, by Daniel Belenguer, and La sombra del cerezo, by Anna Puiggalí.