Seminci to preview the film that decodes ‘La X de MAX’ in the literary work of Delibes

Seminci to preview the film that decodes ‘La X de MAX’ in the literary work of Delibes

Seminci to preview the film that decodes ‘La X de MAX’ in the literary work of Delibes
La X de Max, by Gemma Soriano and Manel Arranz

Directed by Gemma Soriano and Manel Arranz the film was made possible thanks to the support of the Miguel Delibes Foundation

08/10/2019.- The 64th edition of the Valladolid International Film Festival will host the full premiere of documentary feature La X de Max produced by Spain’s public broadcaster RTVE, which sets out to decrypt the meaning of letter ‘X’ In the work of Miguel Delibes, whose centenary will be commemorated in 2020.

Directed by Gemma Soriano and Manel Arranz and produced by RTVE as an installment in the documentary series Imprescindibles, the film will premiere at Teatro Zorrilla on Saturday, October 26, at 1:00 p.m. The event will be attended by the documentary’s directors and by  members of the Delibes family, the Miguel Delibes Foundation and other local  institutions.

When the Valladolid author first met his lifelong love Ángeles de Castro, he began to sign the cartoons he published in the regional daily El Norte de Castilla with the acronym MAX: it was a simple and romantic equation where M was Miguel, A was Ángeles, and X was the mystery that the future could hold for the young couple. Decades later, the mystery was completely solved: a successful and prolific literary career and a lineage of seven children, until in 1974 the disease took Angeles away and unbalanced the equation forever.

As we approach the one hundredth anniversary of the writer’s birth, the documentary travels through three generations of the Delibes-De Castro family and revisits the personal and literary worlds of the Valladolid-born  writer.

The film includes  statements by the author  and interviews with Miguel Delibes himself, Ángeles de Castro, other family members, reputed actor José Sacristán, poet and professor Luis García Montero or writer/journalist  Jesús Marchamalo. The documentary was  made possible thanks to the support of  the Miguel Delibes Foundation, which allowed access to the writer’s  literary and personal legacy.

La X de Max is an RTVE production written and directed by Gemma Soriano and Manel Arranz (the executive producer was Ángel Villoria; the film’s cinematographers were  Pol Graell, Jordi Sánchez and  Toni Mateo; editing and post-production were managed by Enric Ferrés; sound was directed by  Fernando Pequeño; and its original music score  was authored by Gerard Gual.)