The closing day begins with the Miniminci and Seminci Joven awards ceremony

The closing day begins with the Miniminci and Seminci Joven awards ceremony

The closing day begins with the Miniminci and Seminci Joven awards ceremony
Sara García, winner of the criticism contest at Seminci Joven with Ana Redondo, councilor for culture of the City of Valladolid

26/10/2019.- Today, on the closing day of the 64th edition of Seminci, the first ones who came on stage to collect their awards were the youngest in the festival. The event took place in the Hall of Mirrors of the Calderón Theatre, where Seminci director Javier Angulo read the names of the winners. The person in charge of handing over the various awards was Ana Redondo, the councillor of Culture of the Valladolid City Hall.

Sara García Delgado, a ninth-grade student at the Delicias secondary school in Valladolid, won the seventh edition of the Seminci Joven review contest with her review of Los días de la ballena by Colombian director Catalina Arroyave. She said that the film “has a well-defined style, it is visually simple but attractive, and both the settings and the actors’ characterization add to the general effect.” However, she also admitted that she “would have preferred a more closed ending.” The young woman said that she would like to watch the film again because “the message about being brave and fighting for your ideas would have become stronger, but I think that the ending also conveys a message this way, it shows the consequences violence has on people.”

For her part, Laura Gómez Barca, a fifth-grader at the Francisco Pino state school, won the second award, and Eduardo Paredes Sanz, aged only six, received an award for winning the ‘Let’s go to the cinema’ poster contest. Eduardo, a first-grader at the Ponce de León state school, was the one who gave colour to the Miniminci section posters. When he collected his award, while people were applauding him, he shouted “Long live cinema!”