Gonzalo Gurrea: “My film, ‘En la frontera de lo desconocido’, aims at raising questions in the viewer”

Gonzalo Gurrea: “My film, ‘En la frontera de lo desconocido’, aims at raising questions in the viewer”

Gonzalo Gurrea: “My film, ‘En la frontera de lo desconocido’, aims at raising questions in the viewer”
Gonzalo Gurrea, director of ‘En la frontera de lo desconocido’ (‘On the frontier of the unknown’)

10/24 / 2020.- The Broadway multiplex hosted this Saturday the presentation of ‘En la frontera de lo desconocido’ (‘On the frontier of the unknown’),  Gonzalo Gurrea’s first feature film,  which  that engages the input from prestigious physicists in order to trace the impact of the first-ever picture of a black hole.

According to Gurrea, the idea for the film  arose from chance. As he was trying to make  a popular science documentary film, the news of  a black hole being photographed became viral, and  he sensed that the story provided “a perfect link to my project”.

Indeed the aim of the film is to bring the world of science closer to ordinary people. This is why the experts taking part address the audience “as if they were explaining physical phenomena to children”.  The filmmaker’s ultimate goal “is not to provide  answers, but to raise questions in the viewer”, as well as to give visibility to the work of  Spanish scientists.

In a world of fast consumption, says Gonzalo Gurrea, he wanted “to create a film that could be digested  slowly and thoughtfully”.