Javier Cámara and Oliver Laxe to deliver the master classes of the 65 Seminci

Javier Cámara and Oliver Laxe to deliver the master classes of the 65 Seminci

1 Oliver Laxe y Javier Cámara
Javier Cámara and Oliver Laxe to deliver the master classes of the 65 Seminci

15102020.- As in previous years, the Valladolid Festival, will take advantage of the presence in the city of outstanding film artists to organize several master classes in collaboration with the University of Valladolid. This year’s guest lecturers will be the actor Javier Cámara and the filmmaker Óliver Laxe. Due to the preventive measures against Covid19, the event’s format will differ from that of former editions. The classes will be delivered in the Hall of Mirrors without an audience and broadcast on live streaming through Canal Seminci.

The events are respectively scheduled for 27 and 28 October . The protagonist of Living is Easy with Eyes Closed will start this year’s edition of the Festival’s open classes on Tuesday 27 at 11 am. On Wednesday 28, starting at 11.30 am, Canal Seminci viewers will be able to attend the master class taught by Óliver Laxe, the director of Fire Will Come, one of the three films shortlisted to represent Spain at the Oscars.