‘Maragall i la Lluna’ portrays the Catalan politician as “heterodoxical and unclassifiable”

‘Maragall i la Lluna’ portrays the Catalan politician as “heterodoxical and unclassifiable”

‘Maragall i la Lluna’ portrays the Catalan politician as “heterodoxical and unclassifiable”
Lluna Pindado, narrator of the film

30/10/ 2020.- This Friday a special screening of the documentary Maragall i la Lluna took place in the Broadway cinemas. The film re-examines the figure of the former mayor of Barcelona and president of the Generalitat of Catalonia Pasqual Maragall by resorting to a very peculiar format.

The story’s connecting thread is Lluna Pindado, a young woman who recounts how the politician moved into her house  when she was eight years old to experience firsthand life in the popular districts of Barcelona. In the documentary Lluna interviews politicians of all stripes as well as Maragall’s relatives and friends, who express their views on such a unique person. “Everyone is willing to talk about Pasqual, friends and enemies, and that says a lot about his figure”,  said Xavier Atance, the producer of the film.

In addition, Atance described the film as “a documentary  to savour politics, to experience it behind the scenes”, and referred to Pasqual, paraphrasing one of the film’s interviews, as “a person who does not follow his head, but his heart instead”.

Among all the testimonies that appear in the documentary, including  those of personalities such as Jordi Pujol, Iñaki Gabilondo, Joan Manuel Serrat or María Teresa Fernández de la Vega, Lluna Pindado chooses her  conversations with Diana Garrigosa,  Pasqual’s wife: “Her humanity and  wisdom were doubtlessly what I liked the most”.

Diana Garrigosa, who  passed away this year, “would have loved to be here today; she was very excited about this film”, agreed Xavier Atance and Diana’s son Guim Maragall.

Guim Maragall, son of the Catalan politician, traveled to Valladolid to attend the presentation of the film