The directors of ‘Tierras de leche y miel’ present a “collective portrait of displacement and the scars of war”

The directors of ‘Tierras de leche y miel’ present a “collective portrait of displacement and the scars of war”

The directors of ‘Tierras de leche y miel’ present a “collective portrait of displacement and the scars of war”

10/24 / 2020.- Directors Gonzalo Recio, Héctor Domínguez-Viguera and Carlos Mora Fuentes arrived in Valladolid this Saturday to present Tierra de leche y miel, a “collective portrait of displacement and the scars of  war” competing in the DOC. España section.

“A Land of Milk and Honey”(the title’s literal translation)  focuses on  three realities taking place in  as many settings: In Sarajevo, Mirsada and her daughter Vanesa survive, after 25 years, in a collective center waiting for a housing solution that never comes. In Tbilisi, 78-year-old Bela struggles  every day to recover the bodies of those who disappeared in the wars in Abkhazia. And, in Greece, Alia and Hussein, who fled the war in Syria, eagerly await the reunion with their daughter Zozan, who is confined in a limbo which it is not easy to get away from.

All three directors studied film directing at TAI. In 2015 Héctor directed the short ‘El pozo’, starring Aitana Sánchez-Gijón. In 2015 Carlos directed the short ‘Arena’, which earned him an Audience Award at the Nuevas Olas International Festival. Gonzalo directed in 2019 the short film ‘El viento detenido’.