Deepa Mehta will preside over the International Jury composed of six great film experts

Deepa Mehta will preside over the International Jury composed of six great film experts

Deepa Mehta will preside over the International Jury composed of six great film experts
  • Also on the International Jury will be Hungarian filmmaker Lili Horvát, winner with her second feature film, Preparativos para estar juntos un periodo de tiempo desconocido, of the Espiga de Oro, the “Pilar Miró” and the award for best actress for her leading actress at the 65th Seminci

The International Jury of the 66th Valladolid International Film Festival will bring together six great film experts from different parts of the world. Along with Deepa Mehta, the Canadian-Indian filmmaker who will act as president, the International Jury is formed by the Hungarian filmmaker Lili Horvát, whose second feature Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time won last year’s  Golden Spike, as well as the «Pilar Miró» award and and the award for Best Actress; Spanish actress Marta Etura, nominated for a Goya for her role in Nobody’s Life and winner of the Goya for Best Supporting Actress for Cell 211; Elsa Fernández-Santos, a cultural journalist for El País for more than two decades and a collaborator for  Icon, S Moda and Historia de Nuestro Cine; the Argentine film historian Alberto García Ferrer; and Javier Porta Fouz, the director of the  Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema.

As for Meeting Point,  those entrusted with  choosing the best titles  will be the Iranian filmmaker Farnoosh Samadi, co-director of Silenzio, the winner of the Golden Spike in the 61st Valladolid Festival, and director of  Gaze, Golden Spike at the  62nd edition, and 180 ° Rule, which won the award for Best Film in last year’s Meeting Point Section; the  Spanish filmmaker and writer José Luis Montesinos, winner of the Goya award for Best Short for El Corredor and director of the feature film Prey (2020); and Romina Paula, Argentine actress, director and playwright. The Time of History section will likewise have its own jury formed in this case by Antonio Delgado Liz, director for nine editions of DocumentaMadrid; the film critic Abraham Do, director of the cinema section of RNE’s radio show Vuelta y vuelta; and María Silvia Esteve, Argentine director and film editor.

The jury of the DOC.España section,  dedicated exclusively to  Spanish-made documentaries, will consist of  three directors whose works premiered at the festival in 2020: Argentina’s Ignacio Acconcia, the author of The Fire Boy; and the Spanish filmmakers Héctor Domínguez-Viguera, the winner of this section’s prize  last year for Tierra de leche y miel; and Manuel Menchón, who directed the documentary feature  Words for an End of the World. The jury of the fest competition named Castilla y León en Corto, in turn, is formed by cultural manager Andrea Diéguez; director Alejandro Renedo, the winner of this section in 2020 with De perfil, and actress Andrea Trepat: they will pick out the best short either directed by filmmakers from this region  or shot in Castile and Leon’s territory.

The Green Spike jury will include  Carlos Baute, the winner of the Green Spike at the 65th Seminci for Climate Exodus; Miguel López Cabanas, secretary of the Board of Directors of Greenpeace Spain, and Sandra Sutherland, journalist, TV presenter and teacher, as well as director of Agrosfera, an RTVE program, until 2020.

Other juries

The International Critics’ Jury (FIPRESCI)  is formed by journalists Dana Duma (Romania), Daniel Oliveira (Portugal) and Ramón Rey (Spain). The jury for the Rainbow Spike, an award given by the festival and the Triángulo Foundation, includes French filmmaker and writer Lucien Burckel de Tell; Asturias’ Roberto F. Canuto, the director of four shorts; David Lagunilla, a member of the CinHomo festival’s organising team; the Plastic, Visual and Audiovisual Arts teacher Yolanda Moreno; and the Elementary School  teacher and volunteer at the Triángulo Foundation Mónica Tranque.

The newly created  FUNDOS Award,  will be awarded by a jury consisting of 5 members:  the university professor Javier Alonso Magaz; the filmmaker (and author of a score of titles) Eduardo del Llano; the two-time Goya-winning editor Teresa Font; the  Fundos trustee Leandro J. Martín;  and the social impact expert Belén Viloria.

Finally, the jury for the Blogos de Oro award includes film bloggers Tomás Gutiérrez (Cine de Patio), José Francisco Pérez (No es cine todo lo que reluce) and David Sánchez (Te gusta mucho el cine?).