‘El Vent Que Ens Mou’ [The Wind that Moves Us], Pere Puigbert’s documentary that highlights the importance of “taking care of the people and the environment”

‘El Vent Que Ens Mou’ [The Wind that Moves Us], Pere Puigbert’s documentary that highlights the importance of “taking care of the people and the environment”

David Gimbernat y Pere Puigbert, de El vent que ens mou
‘El Vent Que Ens Mou’ [The Wind that Moves Us], Pere Puigbert’s documentary that highlights the importance of “taking care of the people and the environment”

El Vent Que Ens Mou [The Wind that Moves Us], the debut feature-length film by Pere Puigbert has been premiered in the section DOC.Spain section at the 66th edition of Seminci today Thursday 28th October 2021, with the presence of the director himself and the producer, David Gimbernat, who defined the film as “a little jewel.”

El Vent Que Ens Mou highlights the importance of taking care of the environment, the land and the people. “The film starts from a more local level to be able to talk about an issue that goes beyond us,” said the filmmaker, who added that the concept of the wind is present in a transversal way throughout the film as it “connects the whole story.”

Pere Puigbert’s debut feature-length film focuses on a windy territory in the north of Catalonia, where the protagonists of the documentary inhabit a shared daily reality, which makes it posible to see a cultural heritage that’s alive and is preserved through the legacy between family generations. “El Vent Que Ens Mou was a big job, and it took many years to make a film of this kind,” Gimbernat told the audience.

Both the director and the producer of the film expressed their joy to the audience for being able to share the screening with them. “We have to thank you for being here because that’s what helps everything make sense,” said Puigbert.

Meanwhile, David Gimbernat expressed his happiness at being part of Seminci, yet another year: “We are very happy to be in this city that pampers cinema so much and, above all, this type of art that is so hard for us to make,” he added. The filmmaker ended the presentation by inviting the audience to enjoy a “journey of life” with real characters that speak of “something that goes beyond words,” he concluded.