Júlia de Paz Solvas questions stereotypes about motherhood in Ama, her debut film

Júlia de Paz Solvas questions stereotypes about motherhood in Ama, her debut film

Tamara Casella en 'Ama', de Julia de Paz
Júlia de Paz Solvas questions stereotypes about motherhood in Ama, her debut film

The Spanish Cinema section of the Valladolid International Film Festival screened the feature film Ama, the debut film by Júlia de Paz Solvas, on Tuesday 26th October 2021. This film is “militant cinema that helps to demystify stereotypes about motherhood,” its director explained during the presentation of the film to the festival audience.

Accompanied by two of the actors who take part in the film, Tamara Casella and Pablo Gómez-Pando, the director explained how she carried out exhaustive research work beforehand, with which she managed to “break with the vision of the perfect mother that we have today.”

Additionally, the star was thrilled to see the packed theatre: “Thank you very much for being here, for us to see the room so full is a great pride, because without you what we do makes no sense,” said Casella.

Ama exposes loneliness in the face of the mythical motherhood to which many women are exposed. Pepa, the protagonist, is left on the street with her daughter Leila, with whom she does not have a very close relationship.

“It’s a much-needed film that I really hope will offer a different look at what is always sold as the prototype of the mother to be,” said the actress.