DOC. Spain travels to the childhood of the Spanish people with the premiere of Los Xey, una historia de película (The Xey, a film story)

DOC. Spain travels to the childhood of the Spanish people with the premiere of Los Xey, una historia de película (The Xey, a film story)

DOC. Spain travels to the childhood of the Spanish people with the premiere of Los Xey, una historia de película (The Xey, a film story)

The DOC. España Section of the 67th Seminci screened the feature film Los Xey, una historia de película directed by David Berraondo and Eneko Olasagasti on Saturday 22 October. This film tells the story of the San Sebastian band Los Xey from its creation in 1940 to its dissolution in 1961.

Its presentation at the Broadway cinemas was attended by the two filmmakers. “It was important to tell the story not only from the musical point of view, but also from the point of view of the period”, Olasagasti summed up in the discussion with the audience. It also “covers areas of our recent and not so recent history”. David Berraondo remarked that the narrator of the documentary is in the first person because it covers the perspective of all the members of the group from San Sebastian.


Berroando added that “we have ended up making this a ‘film’ story because it is a film to tell”, stressing the importance of knowing the whole of Spain’s history. Both directors thanked all the people who have helped them to collect all the information and audiovisual documents and all the testimonies that have made this documentary what it is.

The filmmakers were joined by the journalist Ángeles Afuera, one of the people involved in the documentary. Before the screening began, Ángeles stressed that the documentary, “for those of us who were children in the 50s and 60s, it takes us back to our childhood”.