The director Marta Espar explores the limits between normality and madness in “Bailar la locura” (Dancing Madness)

The director Marta Espar explores the limits between normality and madness in “Bailar la locura” (Dancing Madness)

The director Marta Espar explores the limits between normality and madness in “Bailar la locura” (Dancing Madness)

The documentary “Bailar la locura”, directed by Marta Espar and Maiol Virgili, will be
screened this Sunday, 23 October, as part of the DOC. España section, with the presence
of its directors

Both Marta Espar and Maiol Virgili took part in the presentation and subsequent discussion of Dancing Madness, a documentary in which three contemporary dancers set out to create a choreography that explores the limits between normality and madness, and invite three women diagnosed with mental disorders to share their creative process with them. The women talk about the side effects of medication, hallucinations and suicide. But also about loneliness and friendship. Without prejudice. In a journey full of
humanity that breaks taboos about madness.

In this work, the aim was to highlight that “madness is burdened with clichés and has been romanticised”. The idea came from the dancers, who were the ones who approached the director for documentation and “talking to them, the possibility of contacting people with mental disorders came up”. As both directors pointed out in the subsequent discussion with the Seminci audience, “it all came about naturally” and they tried at all times to achieve “maximum closeness, but without invading”.

The short film O penico branco, by Adán Aliaga and Beatriz Freire, has been programmed for the same session. Their work deals with the small details that inhabit the time that a human life lasts. “What we do is an intimate portrait of the daily life of Beatriz’s grandmother”, said Adán Aliaga.