Changes in the juries of the 67th Seminci

Changes in the juries of the 67th Seminci

Changes in the juries of the 67th Seminci

The Dominican screenwriter, analyst and consultant of audiovisual projects and cultural manager Tanya Valette has informed the organizers of the International Film Week of Valladolid that, for personal reasons, she is withdrawing her participation as a member of the International Jury of the 67th edition.

In addition, there has been a change in the composition of the jury of the DOC section. Spain: Miguel Zozaya, PhD in Film Theory, Analysis and Documentation from the University of the Basque Country, will replace Lur Olaizola, film programmer, coordinator of the Tabakalera audiovisual program and director of the short films Xulia, Zerua blu and Hirugarren koadernoa.

Miguel Zozaya is the author of a monograph on screenwriter José Germán Huici (Filmoteca de Navarra, 2021) and has published several articles on the world of the seventh art in magazines, academic journals and books. He has also been part of two research projects at the University of Navarra on the production company X Films. As a programmer, he has been a member of the selection committee of the Punto de Vista Festival in several editions, and has curated cycles for the Ateneo and the Filmoteca Navarra.