Kim Se-in presented his opera at the 67th Seminci

Kim Se-in presented his opera at the 67th Seminci

Kim Se-in presented his opera at the 67th Seminci

Seminci’s Punto de Encuentro section premiered The Apartment with Two Women, Kim Se-in‘s debut feature film, on 25 October. The feature film won the New Currents Award in Busan in 2021 and was selected to be screened in the Panorama section of the Berlin Film Festival.

“I really like Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar. I like him so much that I have studied his films. When I wrote mine, I based it on the mother-daughter relationships in his films,” the Korean director revealed.

Yi-jung is in her twenties and still lives with her mother. Having raised her daughter alone, Su-kyung is now ready to start a new life with her fiancé. Yi-jung’s many years of contempt for her mother have left her with a paralysing mixture of repressed feelings towards her. When an argument between the two escalates in a supermarket car park, Su-kyung hits her daughter with her car. Just an accident, the mother claims. Malicious intent, replies Yi-jung. This rebellion marks the beginning of an arduous process for both women to cut the cord.

“I wanted the mother-daughter relationship to be very real, so I looked for faces that were not too familiar,” Kim Se-in confessed, adding, “I wanted to reflect the same duality (love-hate) of the relationship between the two as in Almodovar’s films.