Ramesh Sharme vindicates the concept of “Nonviolence” with his documentary “Ahimsa Gandhi: The Power of the Powerless”

Ramesh Sharme vindicates the concept of “Nonviolence” with his documentary “Ahimsa Gandhi: The Power of the Powerless”

Ramesh Sharme vindicates the concept of “Nonviolence” with his documentary “Ahimsa Gandhi: The Power of the Powerless”

Filmmaker Ramesh Sharme presented his film Ahimsa Gandhi: The Power of the Powerless at India House on Monday, October 24. The film’s main argument is an analysis of Mahatma Gandhi’s career and the effects his philosophy had on the history of mankind. The film takes a look at “the great voices of peace” such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Lutter King and Nelson Mandela, and explores the significance of their arguments, which still survives in today’s times.

Ramesh Sharme, mentioned the importance of this documentary being disseminated in schools and universities to encourage critical and reflective debate. “Our aim is to reach out to young people, to remind them that ‘Nonviolence’ is a valid tool to demonstrate,” he said.

During the final colloquium, the director also recognised the need to generate film content that deepens and deepens these concepts. “After years of making war films, I realised that nobody was talking about peace,” he added.

In addition to the review of major historical milestones such as the partition of India, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the inauguration of Barack Obama, special mention was also made of the slogan “I can’t breathe” of the Black Lives Matter movement, alluding to the fact that the struggle continues and that the “greatest challenge in society today is hatred”.