2023 - 68th Edition


A figure rescued from an inexplicable oblivion, Joan Maria Codina is confirmed today as one of the pioneers of Spanish cinema, an author whose works, signed in the first years of the 20th century, reveal a style ahead of its time that distances itself from the predominant filmed theater of those years.

Lucha de corazones (1912) is an accurate example of this mise-en-scène in which the musician Abel Hernández reinterprets with a live sound creation the story of a man who denounces the husband of a woman he is in love with for murder. This rural drama, an adaptation of the play María Rosa by Ángel Guimerà, with a great psychological and costumbrist charge, was a milestone in the narrative development of Spanish cinema that now acquires new meanings thanks to the work of Hernández, who was a singer, composer and guitarist of the now defunct group Migala.

The screening can be enjoyed at the Teatro Zorrilla on Friday 27 at 5.30 pm.

Fight of hearts

  • Friday, October 27. 5:30 p.m.. Zorrilla Theater.
  • Tickets available on the Seminci website and at the Seminci box office.