2023 - 68th Edition

Alejandro Cano

Rainbow Spike Jury

Alejandro Cano

A graduate in Acting from Valladolid’s Escuela de Tea- tro, he has worked with several companies in Castile and León (Azar Teatro, Phentesilea Teatro, Alkimia 130, Telón de Azúcar) and with Teatro Estudio in Gijón (Asturias). He taught Drama at the María Luisa Ponte Theatre School in Medina de Rioseco. He has published the poetry collection ‘La voz de ceniza’ and collaborated with Gabriel Rodak in ‘La búsqueda’, his first exhibition in Spain. He has worked with Fundación Triángulo in Valladolid since the first edition of CINHOMO as a mem- ber of the feature film programming team.

Alejandro Cano

All members of the

2023 - 68th Edition
2023 - 68th Edition
Rainbow Spike Jury

Oliva Cachafeiro

2023 - 68th Edition
Rainbow Spike Jury

Alejandro Cano

2023 - 68th Edition
Rainbow Spike Jury

David Lagunilla