2023 - 68th Edition

Carmen Vaquero

Fundos Award Jury

Carmen Vaquero

Born in Proaza (Asturias) in 1966. Deputy vi- ce-chancellor for Communication, Culture and Sport at the University of Valladolid (UVa), she holds a PhD in Law and is a tenured lecturer in Private International Law at the UVa. She is a specialist in comparative contract law and inter- national family law, as well as being a member of UVa’s European Law Institute and of the Human Rights Observatory and the Legal Clinic of the same university, and a member of the Pan-Hispa- nic Plain Language Network of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE).

Carmen Vaquero

All members of the

2023 - 68th Edition
2023 - 68th Edition
Fundos Award Jury

Néstor López

2023 - 68th Edition
Fundos Award Jury

Leandro J. Martín

2023 - 68th Edition
Fundos Award Jury

Marta Ruiz de Viñaspre

2023 - 68th Edition
Fundos Award Jury

Carmen Vaquero