2022 – 67th Edition

Esteve Soler


Esteve Soler

His first screen work was the short film ‘Interior. Family’ (2014), a finalist in the Goya Awards and selected at Clermont-Ferrand, BFI London, Sitges, Vancouver and Fantasporto. In 2019 he made his feature debut with ‘7 Reasons to Run Away’, premie- red worldwide at the US festival South by Southwest and selected at San Sebastian, Karlovy Vary, Valladolid, Raindance, Malaga or BIFAN. He is one of the most internationally acclaimed Catalan storytellers, with translations into 19 different languages and a hundred premieres in theatres around the world. He has received the French Godot prize, a nomination for the Max awards and the Butaca and Serra d’Or awards for the best theatrical text of the year. He is also director of the International Festival of Social Cinema of Catalonia.

Esteve Soler

All members of the

2022 – 67th Edition
2022 – 67th Edition

Tonci Valentic

2022 – 67th Edition

Jean-Max Méjean

2022 – 67th Edition

Esteve Soler