2023 - 68th Edition

Oliva Cachafeiro

Rainbow Spike Jury

Oliva Cachafeiro

A graduate in Geography and History and Specia- list in Film Theory and Aesthetics from the Univer- sity of Valladolid, she is also a Specialist in Digital Strategy for Cultural Institutions (UOC). Historian, museum educator, cultural and local action ma- nager, she is involved in community grassroots movements, more specifically at present in the project En Junio La Esgueva. She coordinated the five editions of Occupy Gender. Since 2019 she has been director of the Arellano Alonso Museum of African Art at UVa. She is a member of the asso- ciations Mujeres en las Artes Visuales (MAV) and Mujeres Mirando Mujeres. She is also a member of Cine Club Casablanca in Valladolid.

Oliva Cachafeiro

All members of the

2023 - 68th Edition
2023 - 68th Edition
Rainbow Spike Jury

Oliva Cachafeiro

2023 - 68th Edition
Rainbow Spike Jury

Alejandro Cano

2023 - 68th Edition
Rainbow Spike Jury

David Lagunilla