The parents of actor Miguel Ángel Muñoz had to resort to Tata (Luisa Cantero) to take care of their son while they worked. Since then, Tata (97) and Miguel Ángel (38) have never separated. But after several health complications for Tata, Miguel Ángel realizes that this love story may soon end and decides to fulfil all pending projects with her: a ‘road trip’, discovering Luisa’s origins and even shooting a movie together. However their adventure is interrupted by the arrival of the pandemic: a turn of events that, far from saddening them, will make them closer to each other and enjoy themselves more than ever during the 100 days they spend together in a 35-square-meter apartment. And yet their shared lockdown experience will also force Miguel Ángel to face his greatest fear: separation from the most important person in his life.