2024 - 69th Edition

Dalia and the Red Book

Dalia y el Libro Rojo

/ Dalia y el Libro Rojo

David Bisbano
Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Spain, Ecuador, Colombia
Adolfo (55), a famous short story writer, sets out to write his first novel, giving his daughter Dalia (5) the gift of choosing a character. Dalia chooses a goat, like her cuddly toy. After the death of her father, Dalia (12) is kidnapped by the characters in the story. Through a portal, they introduce her into the unfinished novel: The Red Book. While looking for the way out and helped by Goat, Dalia will have to face the characters in the fable, who are willing to do anything in order to be the main characters. She is the only one who can give the novel an ending, even though she does not feel capable of doing so.
David Bisbano
106 min.
Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Spain, Ecuador, Colombia
A partir de 7 años