‘El sueño del oro negro’ aims to rekindle a moment in history and show the meaning of a date: June 6, 1964, the day when crude oil first sprouted from the moorland calledPáramo de La Lora (Burgos). The film reconstructs the events by taking us
on a journey into the memories of a first-hand witness: Marco Antonio Manjón. His recollections provide the thread that connects the testimonies of ex workers like thehistorian Miguel Ángel Moreno; the mayor of Sargentes de La Lora, Carlos Gallo; the president of the Spanish Petroleum Geologists and Geophysicists Association, JorgeNavarro; or the parish priest. All in all, the film provides the interesting chronicle of a region whose people once had a dream of progress and welfare which they are not willing to give up even today. This is a memory that we should preserve so as to keepalive the knowledge of the valuable cultural and industrial heritage of Sargentes de la Lora and indeed of our country as a whole.