Dongzi, a small-town youth, becomes debt-collector and Xi Jun’s henchman in an attempt to pay off his sick father’s hospital bills. A cold and estranged parent-child relationship, an unsettling life on the streets, and an ambiguous relationship with a young woman: in Dongzi’s shoes, this is what it is like to be twenty-one.
Na Jiazuo is an ethnic Manchu, born in 1989 and raised in Beijing. Having learned to draw from the age of nine, he was admitted to the affiliated middle school of the China Academy of Fine Arts in 2006. Upon graduation, he had originally hoped to go to the Dunhuang Grottoes to sculpt or work in mural restoration, but he failed to make the final China Academy of Fine Arts selection list. In 2010, he was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy and majored in cinematography. His filmography includes the short films ‘Cornel and the Christmas Tree’ (2012), ‘Neighbor’ (2012), ‘You Came Too’ (2015) and ‘The Cloud in the Wind’ (2016). In 2007, at the age of 18, Jiazuo Na formed a band, and during the summer of 2021, they composed a song called ‘Me First’, which became the theme song of his film, ‘Streetwise’.