My phone in my right hand and the microphone in my left hand document what happened between 2019 and 2023, when I was studying Film and followed my friends in the cities of Madrid and Prague, luckily managing to barely alter their ways and behaviour. A very fine narrative thread links the seemingly unconnected events, imitating the disruptive and non-linear way in which our memory works.
Dacio de las Heras
Dacio de las Heras, born in Burgos. At the age of 16 he moved to Valladolid and bought his first camera. His biggest influences have been his friends and the urban culture he has lived in his adolescence. Film was his vehicle to express himself in the most satisfying way. He has also made other projects such as “Los niños de la burbuja” a documentary about 2 summers with my friend Gonzi and the whatsapp audios of those years and “Failing to mediate”, with images of Alba riding a bike along with excerpts of a real conversation with her and her perspective on past relationships with boys.
O.V. in Spanish, English with English and Spanish subtitles