The magical world of surrealist artist Remedios Varo. Born in Spain, in 1908, she was marked by two wars (the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War). Exiled in Mexico from 1941 until her death in 1963, she developed her pictorial imagery in this country and perfected the virtuoso technique that made her a weaver of dreams in a universe of medieval reminiscences, populated by fantastic beings and objects that resemble celestial bodies.
He was born in Mexico City in 1954. A film director, he graduated from the Mexican Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica. He previously studied Design and Philosophy. In advertising, he has done commercials and worked as creative director at various agencies. As a painter he has participated in more than twenty exhibitions. He has also produced television shows. Additionally, he has directed two fiction feature films (‘Sexo impostor’, 2005; and ‘La noche más venturosa’, 2007) and has specialized in art documentaries, especially around surrealism, several of which have been screen and awarded internationally, such as ‘Bridget Tichenor. Visiones reales’ (2022), ‘Wolfgang Paalen. Cristales de la mente’ (2019) or ‘Through Alan Glass’ (2006).